Hello, I’m Félix Lapointe, a UX designer from Quebec City, Canada. You can browse some of my work portfolio, or just scroll down the blog for some of my experiments.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Weight loss industry Exposed - Archives #011

2005 - Around the same time as the Sabine project, we developed versions of the same material targeted towards adults, which aimed to expose the misleading tactics of the weight loss industry. Different documents were produced for ASPQ, Option Consommateurs and INSPQ.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Photo-novella - Archives #010

2005 - A bit of an oddball project: We were asked by ASPQ to produce a guide for teens about the dangers of weight loss products and services. There was a trend at this time to revive the photo comics of the ‘60’s and we went all in!

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

iX20ans Hotstamping - Archives #009

2011 - Favorite hot stamping project I worked on. This is a 20 years anniversary notebook for iXmédia. Sorry for the blurry video, iPhone camera in 2011 were certainly not 4K.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Théâtre du Trident - Archives #008

In 2005, we produced the entire 2005-2006 season visuals, posters, brochures, ads etc. for the Théâtre du Trident . This was a unique year as there was a strike by actors and actresses, causing them to refuse to pose for poster photos. As a result, we had to create illustrations for each play.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Old 3D renders - Archives #007

2001 to 2006 - 20 years ago, I was using a software called Strata 3D studio that was made famous by the Myst video game a few years before. Here are some images I found in my old hard drives.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Squeeze apparel - Archives #006

2018 - I have noticed that smaller businesses often put more thought and care into their branded merchandise, or "swag", than larger ones. They may simply add their logo to generic items like water bottles and hoodies. However, in a previous project with my teammate Olivier Roy-Paquin, we thoroughly researched the available products and created custom designs for them. See more here.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Iroquoian vase - Archives #003

2014 - Younger me so proud of working on a museum iPad companion app at iXmédia. We requested that the photographer take turnable photos of objects on a green screen. I then used a keying process to incorporate these photos into the final product that evokes the excitement of QuickTime VR in 1994.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Osti d’Hubert - Archives #002

2017 - Header for a Pun & wordplay humour Facebook page featuring my brother's witty humor and expressive face. His face says “D’you get it?”

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Introducing the Archives project - Archives #001

I have a large collection of projects that I worked on that I have accumulated over the last 25 years and am hesitant to get rid of, but I am not sure what to do with them. I considered sharing some of them on this blog periodically.

To kick things off, I'd like to share some cropped screenshots from the design of a project planning tool app that I created in 2018 for use in the film industry.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Random #18

The flywheel, also known as a virtuous circle, is a concept that refers to a self-reinforcing loop that can build momentum over time. It is a process in which one action or event sets off a chain of events that ultimately leads back to the original action, creating a cycle of positive reinforcement.

The Hygrade wiener principle (AKA “Le Principe de la saucisse Hygrade” in french) , on the other hand, is a marketing concept that suggests that the best way to sell a product is to focus on the benefits that it provides to the customer, rather than the features of the product itself. The idea is that if a product meets the needs and desires of the customer, it will create a positive emotional response and lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

There is a similarity between the flywheel and the Hygrade wiener principle in that both involve the creation of a positive feedback loop. In the case of the flywheel, the positive feedback loop is created by the self-reinforcing nature of the process, while in the case of the Hygrade wiener principle, the positive feedback loop is created by the positive emotional response of the customer. Both concepts suggest that focusing on the needs and desires of the customer can lead to a positive outcome, and that this positive outcome can be self-reinforcing over time.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Virtual etching

I have always been drawn to the art of printmaking and etching, so I am currently experimenting with using Photoshop and Illustrator to replicate those effects in my digital artwork. Here is a preview of a project I’m working on. As a preview, I am sharing a project I am currently working on - a self-portrait. If I am happy with the final result, I plan to use it as the header image on my website.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Bored of AI generation

In recent months, there has been a significant increase in the availability and popularity of AI generation software. While I was once an early adopter of these tools, they have now become more mainstream with the release of open beta versions of MidJourney and Dall-E. While there is a debate surrounding the philosophical implications of AI image generation and its artistic merit, many people see it as a powerful new creative tool. One example of this is Pete Davidson's virtual photo shoot.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

What am I looking at?

I haven't used the lidar sensor on my iPhone in quite some time, in fact, the last time I remember using it was when I first purchased the phone almost two years ago. Recently, I decided to try scanning my kitchen to see if the sensor could gather any useful data, but I don't think it was able to provide any meaningful information. Despite this, the process was still interesting to watch, especially the point cloud visualization which showed a 3D representation of the scanned objects. It was cool to see how the sensor worked, even if it didn't yield any practical results in this instance.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Color mixer freebie

I prepared this color mixer Photoshop file for my personal use and offer it as a free download. While the middle section, which is meant to display color harmonies, doesn't function exactly as I had intended, I still believe that this file will be useful for those looking for a quick and easy way to mix and match colors within Photoshop. I hope that others will find this file helpful and that it will make their design process a little bit easier.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Texture cubes

Texture cubes are a staple of digital art schools. I started with these two images here in Adobe Fresco, and I don't know if I'll stick with it, but I enjoyed the exercise!

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

More Wombo dreams

I am continually amazed by the results I am able to achieve with the Wombo Dream app

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

So unoriginal

I recently made the decision to post my chameleon renders on ArtStation, but upon doing so, I realized that there are already hundreds of Chameleon renders on the platform and that most of them are of a higher quality than my own. This was a harsh reminder that I am just a 3D hobbyist and that there is still a lot for me to learn and improve upon.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Wombo Dream Reference image

I was already fascinated by the surreal AI renders of Wombo Dream, but the new “Reference image” feature brings a powerful new capability!

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