Adobe Aero

AR is still a novelty for me, I don’t particularly like hunting Pokémons or placing a virtual IKEA sofa in my place. But I really enjoyed discovering that I can easily place my own 3D models with AR using the very easy to use Adobe Aero for iPad!

Adobe Aero is a mobile application that allows users to create and publish augmented reality (AR) experiences. It is available for both iOS and Android devices.

One of the features of Adobe Aero is the ability to place 3D models in the real world using AR. This can be done by importing a 3D model from a file or by creating one using the 3D modeling tools available in the app. Once the model is imported or created, the user can place it in the real world by using their device's camera to scan the environment and anchor the model to a specific location.

Using Adobe Aero, users can easily create immersive AR experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, including education, entertainment, and marketing.


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