Super old intro to rework…
My name is Félix Lapointe. I have been working in the web design world for over 20 years. I love ambitious projects, where the blank page is synonymous with unlimited possibilities and the strength of a team inspires us to go further.
Following my studies in Graphic Design and Fine Arts, I launched Studiométrique, a Design agency, with Marie Pier Roy (whose now a graphic design teacher) where I worked on about 450 projects, with clients like Institut National de Santé publique du Québec, Théâtre du Trident, and Office du tourisme de Québec. Over time, about half of our production shifted from print to web, with new challenges including UX design and front-end integration.
After 7 years, I closed shop and moved to iXmédia, a leading Web agency in Québec City. My title was Senior Web designer; "UX" and "UI" terms were not much on peoples lips back in 2009 but really that what my work was about. At iXmédia, I worked with very experienced developers and designers, and other talented specialists from every field in the business, on dozens of rather large and unique projects. In the fall of 2015, I moved to OVH, as a UI/UX designer. At the time, we needed to bring in a real "design culture" to the company that was still deeply rooted in technology. From the first few months, we introduced the first UX guidelines and UI-kit, and worked to simplify and harmonize the product and services that more than a million clients use daily. Over time, we managed to shift gears and foster a UX sensitivity to people from every teams.
From WebObjects websites with Cybercat in 1997 to comprehensive design systems in 2018, I have been doing approchable and intuitive user interfaces for all my professionnal life..