AI powered concept art - part 2

I continued the process of creating this drawing by using some AI tools that I found online, such as Wombo Dream and Artbreeder. Using a photobashed character as a starting point, these tools generated a variety of options that I was able to review and select from. I overlaid the chosen elements onto the original image and then did a slight paint-over to help bring everything together. Overall, I found this process to be a bit like working with a computer in that the AI tools took care of much of the heavy lifting and allowed me to focus on refining and finalizing the image. I think I will try creating more images like this in the future as it can be a helpful and efficient way to work.

Photobashing is a technique used in digital art and design that involves combining multiple reference images or elements from different sources to create a new image or design. It can be used to create a wide range of visual effects and can be an effective way to quickly prototype and test ideas or to create detailed and realistic digital artwork.


Color mixer freebie


Texture cubes