Hello, I’m Félix Lapointe, a UX designer from Quebec City, Canada. You can browse some of my work portfolio, or just scroll down the blog for some of my imaging experiments.

Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

10-Minute Game Assets

In just 10 minutes total, I leveraged Adobe Illustrator's AI-powered vector generator and Photoshop's AI capabilities to craft visually appealing game assets, commonly known as "sprites." These assets are not only good looking but also maintain a consistent style. The efficiency and quality of this process are astounding!

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Bored of AI generation

In recent months, there has been a significant increase in the availability and popularity of AI generation software. While I was once an early adopter of these tools, they have now become more mainstream with the release of open beta versions of MidJourney and Dall-E. While there is a debate surrounding the philosophical implications of AI image generation and its artistic merit, many people see it as a powerful new creative tool. One example of this is Pete Davidson's virtual photo shoot.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Discovering Midjourney

I recently began exploring the capabilities of the Midjourney AI image generation tool and have been thoroughly impressed with its power and capabilities. I have been having a lot of fun experimenting with it and have come up with some really interesting and unique results. The tool is incredibly user-friendly and has a wide range of options and settings that allow you to customize your creations to your liking. I am excited to continue using it and seeing what else I can come up with.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

AI powered concept art - part 2

I continued the process of creating this drawing by using some AI tools that I found online, such as Wombo Dream and Artbreeder. Using a photobashed character as a starting point, these tools generated a variety of options that I was able to review and select from. I overlaid the chosen elements onto the original image and then did a slight paint-over to help bring everything together. Overall, I found this process to be a bit like working with a computer in that the AI tools took care of much of the heavy lifting and allowed me to focus on refining and finalizing the image. I think I will try creating more images like this in the future as it can be a helpful and efficient way to work.

Photobashing is a technique used in digital art and design that involves combining multiple reference images or elements from different sources to create a new image or design. It can be used to create a wide range of visual effects and can be an effective way to quickly prototype and test ideas or to create detailed and realistic digital artwork.

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

More Wombo dreams

I am continually amazed by the results I am able to achieve with the Wombo Dream app

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Félix Lapointe Félix Lapointe

Wombo Dream Reference image

I was already fascinated by the surreal AI renders of Wombo Dream, but the new “Reference image” feature brings a powerful new capability!

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