Random #18

The flywheel, also known as a virtuous circle, is a concept that refers to a self-reinforcing loop that can build momentum over time. It is a process in which one action or event sets off a chain of events that ultimately leads back to the original action, creating a cycle of positive reinforcement.

The Hygrade wiener principle (AKA “Le Principe de la saucisse Hygrade” in french) , on the other hand, is a marketing concept that suggests that the best way to sell a product is to focus on the benefits that it provides to the customer, rather than the features of the product itself. The idea is that if a product meets the needs and desires of the customer, it will create a positive emotional response and lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

There is a similarity between the flywheel and the Hygrade wiener principle in that both involve the creation of a positive feedback loop. In the case of the flywheel, the positive feedback loop is created by the self-reinforcing nature of the process, while in the case of the Hygrade wiener principle, the positive feedback loop is created by the positive emotional response of the customer. Both concepts suggest that focusing on the needs and desires of the customer can lead to a positive outcome, and that this positive outcome can be self-reinforcing over time.


Introducing the Archives project - Archives #001


Virtual etching