ux case study: creating ovhcloud us

the challenge
the main ovh site was sprawling, with thousands of pages, no clear hierarchy, and no efficient content management system. an american division called ovhcloud needed a simpler, solutions-focused website that was easy to update.

the goal
deliver a cohesive site for ovhcloud us with a refined brand identity, streamlined navigation, and reusable design modules. the site had to support direct purchases of solutions and use a flexible cms (drupal) for content creation.

the approach
we audited existing pages to understand common structures and content needs. we defined a new color palette, visual style, and typography to give ovhcloud us a distinct brand feel. then we listed every block type (hero banners, feature grids, call-to-action panels) needed to build each page. working closely with developers, we ensured they built these modules in drupal so content editors could quickly assemble and edit pages.

the solution
with a modular design system in place, the project team rolled out a consistent, modern site. every page followed a clear structure: problem statement, solution overview, product benefits, and next steps. thousands of images and icons were produced in parallel, ensuring a polished, cohesive look.

the outcome
ovhcloud us gained a site that was easier to navigate and maintain. the approach allowed faster creation of new pages and quicker updates, freeing the team to focus on improving products instead of wrestling with outdated code. while the classic ovh site remained massive, ovhcloud us users benefited from a streamlined, more direct experience.


OVH UX Overview


Project: OVH Help Center