Websites, print, and stuff
At Squeeze, I coded multiple websites, including showcases for projects in development. I manually implemented these sites (with SCSS compilation), ensuring a highly visual and responsive experience.
Planning and Estimation Software
At Squeeze, I designed an internal planning tool designed to handle everything from project estimation to production tracking. It allows managers to assess employee workload, ensuring resources are effectively allocated.
This first screen focuses on project estimation. Users can allocate the required number of team members for each stage of the 3D production process—modeling, texturing, shading, and beyond—by marking the corresponding days on the timeline. If the necessary resources aren't available, the system highlights conflicts in red, signaling potential scheduling issues. While estimations can still proceed, this feature provides an early warning that adjustments may be needed.
Project Execution and Tracking
Once an estimate transitions into an active project, this screen enables detailed production planning. Team members can be assigned to specific tasks, and managers can monitor progress in real-time. Key milestones, known as "gates," mark critical review points where production companies assess results. The system also ensures that employees aren't double-booked—if someone is already committed to another project, additional work cannot be assigned to them.
Company-Wide Production Overview
The final screen provides a high-level view of all active and tentative projects, giving leadership insight into overall company workload. It displays global activity levels, flagging whether the company is overbooked (above 100% capacity) or underutilized. This overview helps executives understand which projects require the most resources at any given time and make informed decisions about workload distribution.