Web design era
From 2009 to 2015, I worked at the web design agency iXmédia—a time that now feels almost like the early days of the internet. During those years, I had the chance to be part of emerging trends like responsive design and the rise of "UX" as a core concept in our field, shaping the foundations of modern web design.
Les libraires
In the early 2010s, I worked on the Les Libraires website, an e-commerce platform for the Association of Quebec Booksellers. At the time, they launched a site that allowed users to purchase books from independent bookstores across Quebec. My role was to design the site with a strong focus on the "mobile-first" philosophy, ensuring it worked seamlessly on smartphones, tablets, and other devices. This was at the forefront of responsive design thinking. As an e-commerce platform, the goal was to make it easy for users to purchase books, either from the nearest bookstore or the one with the desired titles in stock. Additionally, the platform supported both digital and physical book purchases, simplifying the process of buying eBooks while addressing the complexities of digital permissions.
Pellan le Grand atelier
Alfred Pellan is one of the most significant painters of modern Quebec. During an exhibition in his honor at the Musée du Québec, we had access to his complete archives, which had been donated to the museum by his wife, Maddalena Poliseno. Wearing white gloves, we were able to explore these archives firsthand, drawing inspiration from them. This led to the creation of an experiential website that offered users a virtual exploration of the archives, simulating the feeling of digging through the boxes themselves. Additionally, the exhibition featured various interactive elements, including a photo booth, a nod to Pellan's fondness for playful creativity.

Geobox iPad App
In the early 2010s, in the field of geomatics, generating official reports after analyzing soil core samples was a costly and time-consuming process. Specialists had to rely on engineering firms to produce these reports, which had to adhere to strict industry standards, incurring significant expenses for every report. Geobox came up with the innovative idea of creating an iPad application that geomatics experts could take into the field, allowing them to input their findings directly into the app. The app would then automatically generate reports that met all industry requirements. I had the opportunity to design the user experience and create the visual assets for this application, streamlining the process and saving users both time and money.
The concept for the Sigmadek one-page website embraced the peak of the circa-2012 immersive storytelling trend. Leveraging the era’s hallmark design elements, it featured a seamless narrative flow powered by scroll-triggered animations and parallax effects. The site aimed to captivate users with visually rich transitions, interactive elements, and a well-crafted storyline that showcased the brand's innovation.